Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Printers, Spiders, and Green Peter Part 2

Hmmm...being new to this blogging gig, I'm not sure what happened, but I couldn't post the rest of the photos for the previous blog. So here are the "visuals":

Ann's type cases:

The fossil that had Bob so ebullient:

The Trap-Door Spider nest spotted at the base of a rotting stump:

Green Peter Lake and Mountain:


sighthound enthusiast said...

Great pictures Lee, especially the spider (or rather spider front door) and those yummy typefaces.

jgodsey said...

i sooo want a real press when i grow up.

Susan the Neon Nurse said...

What a lot of interesting and unique pics! Thanks for sharing them!

The Joyful Artist said...

Awesome pics my friend
Thanks for sharing!!